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Career Advancement

Showing Search Results For: Career Advancement

We have 400+ articles and videos to support your professional development.
Explore them all in the archives.

Career Advancement is a Privilege, Not a Right

Career Advancement is a Privilege, Not a Right

I’ve encountered a number of counterproductive attitudes in the workplace, but one in particular really bothers me. Too many people out there think they deserve career advancement for all the wrong reasons. For example, they believe they’re entitled to it because they’ve worked at the company for...

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Why Can’t I Get a Raise?

Advancing financially at work can be hard. After all, everybody wants a raise. But there’s only so much money to go around. Someone is always going to be disappointed, and it’s no fun when that person is you. If you’ve been declined for a raise, or told it’s just not the right time, or been given...

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How to Raise Your Visibility at Work

How to Raise Your Visibility at Work

About a year ago, I was hosting a training session on the topic of emotional intelligence. I asked the professionals in the room to shout out some of the feelings they experience on an average workday. I heard: happy, frustrated, stressed, angry, overwhelmed, fulfilled, engaged, irritated, and a...

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Are Professional Certifications Worth It?

Are Professional Certifications Worth It?

One question I get a lot is around the topic of professional certifications. People want to know if they’re worth it. After all, professional certifications cost hundreds—if not thousands—of dollars. And most require a significant investment of time and energy on top of it.  So, do professional...

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How to Become an Expert in Your Chosen Field

How to Become an Expert in Your Chosen Field

I’m going to make a bold statement here: In the field of professional development, I consider myself an expert. It’s not just because I’ve been writing this blog for so many years (anyone can do this, you know!). Rather, it’s because I’ve immersed myself in the field—soaked up knowledge and...

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How to Cope When You Don’t Get the Job

Originally published on U.S. News & World Report You just got the phone call. They liked you a lot. The interview went well. But they've decided to go in another direction. You're disappointed and confused. You were perfect for this job. You have everything they're looking for and more. How...

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Why You Don’t Deserve a Raise

I know, I know. You want more money. We all do. Maybe you even “need” it. But do you deserve it? That’s the fundamental question your employer is asking. And that’s what you need to address when seeking an increase in pay. You deserve a raise because of your actions and the positive impact they...

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Passed Over for a Promotion: How to Deal

Passed Over for a Promotion: How to Deal

On a recent free Q&A session, I heard from a loyal blog reader who was feeling distraught. In a nutshell, her situation was this: After interviewing for almost six months, she thought it as a “sure thing” that she’d be offered a new position in her department. Then, as if from nowhere, an...

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